How To Install Phoenix OS in Linux ?
Hello everyone, today i am going to tell you how to dual boot Phoenix OS along side linux.
Steps to install OS:-
1) Download the ISO file of the android OS you want. In my case it is phoenix OS thunder.
2) Copy the files name initrd.img, install.img, kernel, ramdisk.img, system.sfs/system.img
from iso to folder name of any thing you want. In my case it is phoenix
3) Copy the folder you make to the in file system directory
4) After this open terminal and paste these commands
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/phoenix/data.img bs=1M count=32768"
" sudo mkfs.ext4 /phoenix/data.img"
- Replace phoenix with name of your folder
- First command will take 5-10 minutes according to your PC
- Wait till process complete without error
5) To add grub entry install grub customizer, to install paste these commands in terminal
"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer"
- press enter when ask
"sudo apt-get update"
"sudo apt-get install grub-customizer"
- Press y to continue
6) After installing grub customizer, open it and create the Phoenix OS boot menu in Grub Customizer by clicking on the entry editor menu (the paper icon with the + sign at the top right), give name "Phoenix OS" or what you want, without the quotes mark. And select type to other. And copy the script below:
- Replace green color text with name of your folder which you make above.
- Replace orange color text with name of system file you pasted in folder you make above if system.sfs then no change and if system.img then change sfs to img
Save it reboot and select the name of OS you give in grub customizer
If you have any problem please comment
It really works it's so informative
Keep it aap